It was a success!
a huge, Huge, HUGE thanks to everyone who came out to the launch this Friday – it was tres FUN!! It’s so unbelievable it’s already time to start getting the next collection in the works, and get the End of Summer collection online!
I especially send thanks to all those who helped make everything a reality:
- Sonya Allin (Website)
- Ashae Annett (Model Support)
- Ange Brascoupe (runner)
- Ann Brascoupe (barback/everything)
- Carly Brascoupe (Model)
- Keesic Douglas (and Tek) (photography)
- Jessica Fleming (Model)
- Jo Fuda (venue)
- Shawn Grey (door/everything)
- Stewart Garnham (bar)
- imagineNATIVE (putting up with me)
- Skye Paul (hair/model)
- Catherine Phillips (model styling/assistance)
- Dagna Pielaszkiewicz (prep)
- Sharon Rudski (Model)
- Miika Rudski (Dog Model)
- Jenifer Rudzki-Bonnetplume (samplemaking/support)
- Mike Ruszczycki (art/grip)
- Aaron Scero (decor/set)
- Dave Shilling (Website)
- Pj Weinert (runner)
- Deandra Wells (make-up)
- Sarah Yankoo (Model)
I am so very grateful for everything each of you have done, have so much respect for the talent and beauty you give to the world, and the resources you were able to pull together for me. I love you all dearly and can’t thank you enough!!!!! xoxox