Synaptic City: Sage Paul
Womens & Mens Fall/Winter 2012
March 30, 2012
Reception 7PM, Show 8PM, dancing to follow
Gladstone Hotel, Ballroom
1214 Queen St. West

Synapse /syn·apse/ (sin´aps) n.
The junction between two nerve cells, where an impulse is transmitted from one to another

There is an evolution of once-prohibited practices and the burgeoning of new traditions. The Sage Paul fall/winter 2012 collection is a sophisticated crossroads of culture. Paul explores the acknowledgement of tradition, the value of reinterpretation and curiosity about our shared cultures. Her desire is to bring these ideals into a 21st century movement of appreciation and balance. Looking to the construction of traditional Pow Wow regalia and the styling of 1970s glamour, Synaptic City is a fusion of moving cultures in sync.